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Puntuació mitjana 473 Ressenyes
Annick Faucon ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) It's really nice to find a restaurant that makes gluten-free steamed appetizers and that adapts to your allergies in a recipe. It was very good and I had this taste regression in childhood. Lots of joy in every bite ☺️ Thank you so much (Original) C'est vraiment hyper agréable de trouver un restaurant qui fait des bouchees vapeur sans gluten et qui s'adapte à vos allergies de recette facon. C'était très bon et j'ai eu cette régression gustative dans l'enfance. Beaucoup de joie à chaque bouchée ☺️ Merci beaucoup

fa 5 mesos
Laura Detremmerie ha valorat a Google

fa 5 mesos
sandrine charillat ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) We appreciated the cleanliness of the place. We took the tasting menu, copious, the flavors and freshness of the products were delicious. THANKS (Original) Nous avons apprécié la propreté du lieu. Nous avons pris le menu dégustation, copieux, les saveurs et la fraîcheur des produits étaient délicieux. Merci

fa 5 mesos
Petra Pflaum ha valorat a Google

fa 5 mesos
Hayhay Vu ha valorat a Google

do yourself a favor and don’t come here. the portions are small and over priced, not worth your money. i got the 25€ menu selection that lets you taste all their dumplings and i was quite disappointed when it came :/

fa 5 mesos
Andreas Braun ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Great, very good. I've been here for the 3rd time and it was really good. (Original) Top, sehr gut. Bin zum 3 Mal hier und es war wirklich gut.

fa 5 mesos
Iris Lukas ha valorat a Google

Authentic and delicious food!

fa 5 mesos
Mathilde LE MOIGNE ha valorat a Google

fa 5 mesos
Adrien JUHEM ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Great restaurant. Everything is very good. (Original) Super restaurant. Tout est très bon.

fa 6 mesos
Kathrine Nygaard Stannov ha valorat a Google

fa 6 mesos

Chez Ann Échiquier© 2024
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29 Rue de l'Échiquier
75010 Paris, France

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