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Últimes ressenyes

Alexander Brasch ha valorat

Haley Tucker ha valorat

Our group of 5 ate at Chez Ann’s after finding out they had gluten free options. Casual, cozy spot. Everyone absolutely loved their meal and could not stop raving about how delicious everything was. Many gluten free dumpling options including gyozas, steam dumplings and soup dumplings. Mochi too!! It was a dream meal as a gluten avoider. Service was also impeccable and our waitress understood allergy/intolerance concerns well. Highly recommend!

Evelin Florez ha valorat

(Translated by Google) We discovered this restaurant in October 2023. You have some spectacular and gluten-free 🥟, my partner can never eat them and it was a surprise to find this place. So much so that between him and I we ate more than 107 dumplings, yes, that's right. We made Half and Half while we challenged ourselves and said one more, including at the end a couple of sweet dumplings that we also ordered and they were, of course, delicious!! The owner attended to us and I have to say that she was super friendly and charming with us. Everyone was surprised at the amount we ordered and especially because I ate exactly the same thing as him. OUR FAVORITE GLUTEN-FREE DUMPLING RESTAURANT IN THE WORLD, and my partner has been to like 80 countries, so they really are dumplings 💔💔💔 Question, it's been almost a year, we were in Palma de Mallorca and we missed those dumplings since we hadn't been able to eat some again, so much so that we decided to go to Paris to eat at Chez Ann. We went to Mallorca-Paris only to eat in that restaurant, the next day we left the country, meaning we were only there for 1 day, we went to Paris solely and exclusively to eat in that restaurant at lunch time and with that I say everything. My Fav. The Xiao Long Bao (Original) Descubrimos este restaurante en octubre del 2023. Tienes unos 🥟 espectaculares y sin gluten, mi pareja no puede comerlos nunca y fue una sorpresa encontrarnos con este sitio. Tanto así que entre él y yo comimos más de 107 dumplings, si, así mismo. Hicimos Mitad y mitad mientras nos retábamos y decíamos uno más, incluyendo al final un par de dumplings dulces que también pedimos y estaban como no, buenísimos!! Nos atendió la dueña y tengo que decir que fue súper simpática y encantadora con nosotros. Todos se quedaron sorprendidos de la cantidad que pedimos y sobre todo porque yo comí exactamente lo mismo que el. NUESTRO RESTAURANTE FAVORITO DE DUMPLINGS SIN GLUTEN EN EL MUNDO, y mi pareja ha estado como en 80 países, así que son unos dumplings realmente 💔💔💔 Cuestion, ha pasado casi 1 año, estábamos en Palma de Mallorca y extrañábamos esos dumplings ya que no habíamos vuelto a poder comer unos, tanto así que decimos irnos a paris para comer en Chez Ann. Fuimos de Mallorca- Paris única para comer en ese restaurante, al día siguiente ya nos fuimos del país, ósea que solo estuvimos 1 día, fuimos a Paris única y exclusivamente para comer en ese restaurante a la hora de la comida y con eso te lo digo todo. Mi Fav. El Xiao Long Bao

Horari d'obertura

  • Dl - Ds : 12h-15h, 19h-22h
  • Dg: Tancat
  • Obre a les 12:00

Chez Ann Échiquier© 2024
Avís legal

29 Rue de l'Échiquier
75010 Paris, France

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